For years, Lounasan has shuttled between accessible, melodic sound work and more abstract soundscapes.
With the spin-off Lounasan plays Music for Installations, there is more room for the more abstract and experimental sound work, resulting in a very interesting journey.
Thanks to the spin-off, Lounasan’s main project remained more on the ambient, electronic, sequenced path. Some would say you can mix them perfectly.
Lounasan wasn’t sure about that at all, until this ‘Haukijärvi‘ project.
Music For Installations is about experiencing. This is the place where sound meets space!
Imagine being in a dark rectangular room with speakers in the four corners and only you as an object, absorbing the sound. Catching these sounds leads to sonic landscapes and active soundworlds. The music fits perfectly in empty places, dark rooms and can be the soundtrack of your artistic installations.
This is the basic principle of Music For Installations. Life is a stream of sounds.
Most people don’t hear it and let it pass. But if you capture that flow of chaotic patterns that surrounds us, you can find answers in what is moving around us, what our future could be, where we are going to.

It seems like a strange connection in time that Jovica Storer and Lounasan where suddenly buzzed into the same space. The harder they tried to escape from each other, the faster they were swinged back, locked in a strange perpetuum with no end.
So… what can you do when you are together in one room and time becomes a loop, besides looking at each others boring face?
Make some noise perhaps?
That’s what Cycles of Moebius did…
Karim S is a great admirer of Jeff Mills and the 808 states are still very present in his DJ sets.
Together with Lounasan, he searches for a more progressive sound, joint venturing in tech-prog sounds.
It’s always nice to see both in action while creating, crafting and discussing. But one way or another, both seem to be able to give each other the necessary breathting space while creating.